Christian Boucheny

Personal information

I defended my PhD on February 13th, 2009. I'm currently working as research-engineer at EDF R&D.
t�l�phone +33 (0)1 47 65 16 87
curriculum vitae

PhD on Scientific Visualisation and Perception

subject Interactive Scientific Visualisation of Large Datasets: Towards a Perception-based Approach
co-advisors Georges-Pierre Bonneau, LJK/UJF in the EVASION group (INRIA Grenoble)
Jacques Droulez, Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, UMR 7124 Coll�ge de France-CNRS (Paris)
industrial partner EDF-R&D


2007 C. Boucheny, G.-P. Bonneau, J. Droulez, G. Thibault, S. Ploix
A perceptive evaluation of volume rendering techniques.
To appear in: ACM Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization (APGV 2007)

Previous Publications (Computational Neuroscience)

2005 C. Boucheny, N. Brunel, A. Arleo.
A continuous attractor network model without recurrent excitation: maintenance and integration in the head direction cell system.
J. of Computational Neuroscience, 18(2):205-227
2005 C. Boucheny, R. Carrillo, E. Ros, O. J.-M. Coenen
Real-Time Spiking Neural Network: An Adaptive Cerebellar Model
In: Joan Cabestany, Alberto Prieto, and Francisco Sandoval Hernandez, editors, Proceedings of the Eighth Int. Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, pp.136-144, Springer-Verlag LNCS series
2004 T. Degris, L. Lachèze, C. Boucheny, and A. Arleo.
A spiking neuron model of head-direction cells for robot orientation.
In: S. Schaal, A. Ijspeert, A. Billard, S. Vijayakumar, J. Hallam, and J.-A. Meyer, editors, Proceedings of the 8th Int. Conf. on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, from Animals to Animats, pp.255-263, MIT Press.
2004 O. J.-M. Coenen, C. Boucheny, M. Bezzi, D. Marchal, M. P. Arnold, E. Ros, R. Carillo, E. M. Ortigosa, R. Agis, B. Barbour, A. Arleo, T. Nieus, and E. D'Angelo.
Adaptive spiking cerebellar models and real-time simulations.
In: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, No. 827.4, San Diego, USA.
Coenen, O. J.-M. D., Boucheny, C., Marchal, D., Arnold, M.P., Barbour, B., Ortigosa, E., Ag�s, R. and Ros, E.
Spiking cerebellar model for adaptive control.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Forum of European Neuroscience, 2:A007.19, Lisbon, Portugal.
A. Arleo, C. Déjean, C. Boucheny, M. Khamassi, M. B. Zugaro, and S. I. Wiener.
Optic field flow signals update the activity of head direction cells in the rat anterodorsal thalamus.
In: Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of the B�r�ny Society, Paris, France.
A. Arleo, C. Boucheny, T. Degris, N. Brunel, S. I. Wiener.
Head direction cells and spatial orientation in rats: Experimental findings and computational modeling.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Neurorobotic Models in Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics, LA, U.S.A.
A. Arleo, T. Degris, C. Boucheny, and S. I. Wiener.
The neural basis of spatial orientation in rats: Electrophysiology, computational modeling, and robotics.
In: Proceedings of the Int. Conference Towards Artificial Rodents, Paris, France.
S. I. Wiener, A. Arleo, C. Déjean, C. Boucheny, M. Khamassi and M. B. Zugaro.
Optic field flow signals update the activity of head direction cells in the rat anterodorsal thalamus.
In: Proceedings of the 4th Forum of European Neuroscience, 2:A007.19, Lisbon, Portugal.
S. I. Wiener, A. Arleo, C. Déjean C. Boucheny, M. Khamassi, and M. B. Zugaro.
Optic field flow signals update the activity of head direction cells in the rat anterodorsal thalamus.
In: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, No. 209.2, San Diego, USA.