Next: A.2 Global State
Up: A GLUT State
Previous: A GLUT State
These types are used to specify GLUT's programmer visible state:
- Bitmask
A group of boolean bits.
- Boolean
True or false.
- Callback
A handle to a user-supplied routine invoked when the given callback is triggered
(or NULL which is the default callback).
- ColorCell
Red, green, and blue color component triple, an array of which makes
a colormap.
- Cursor
A GLUT cursor name.
- Integer
An integer value.
- Layer
Either normal plane or overlay.
- MenuItem
Either a menu entry or a submenu trigger. Both subtypes contain
of a String name. A menu entry has an Integer value. A
submenu cascade has an Integer menu name naming its associated submenu.
- MenuState
Either in use or not in use.
- Stacking
An ordering for top-level windows and sub-windows having the same
parent. Higher windows obscure lower windows.
- State
One of shown, hidden, or iconified.
- String
A string of ASCII characters.
- Timer
A triple of a timer Callback, an Integer callback parameter, and a time
in milliseconds (that expires in real time).
Next: A.2 Global State
Up: A GLUT State
Previous: A GLUT State
Mark Kilgard
Fri Feb 23 08:05:02 PST 1996