/* * @(#)PackageIndexFrameWriter.java 1.14 00/02/02 * * Copyright 1998-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ package com.sun.tools.doclets.standard; import com.sun.tools.doclets.*; import com.sun.javadoc.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; /** * Generate the package index for the left-hand frame in the generated output. * A click on the package name in this frame will update the page in the bottom * left hand frame with the listing of contents of the clicked package. * * @author Atul M Dambalkar */ public class PackageIndexFrameWriter extends AbstractPackageIndexWriter { /** * Construct the PackageIndexFrameWriter object. * * @param filename Name of the package index file to be generated. */ public PackageIndexFrameWriter(String filename) throws IOException { super(filename); } /** * Generate the package index file named "overview-frame.html". */ public static void generate() throws DocletAbortException { PackageIndexFrameWriter packgen; String filename = "overview-frame.html"; try { packgen = new PackageIndexFrameWriter(filename); packgen.generatePackageIndexFile(); packgen.close(); } catch (IOException exc) { Standard.configuration().standardmessage.error("doclet.exception_encountered", exc.toString(), filename); throw new DocletAbortException(); } } /** * Print each package name on separate rows. * * @param pd PackageDoc */ protected void printIndexRow(PackageDoc pd) { fontStyle("FrameItemFont"); printTargetHyperLink(pathString(pd, "package-frame.html"), "packageFrame", pd.name()); fontEnd(); br(); } /** * Print the "-header" in bold format, at top of the page. There is * actually no navigation bar for this page. */ protected void printNavigationBarHeader() { if (Standard.configuration().header != null) { printTableHeader(); fontSizeStyle("+1", "FrameTitleFont"); bold(Standard.configuration().header); fontEnd(); printTableFooter(); } } /** * Do nothing as there is no overview information in this page. */ protected void printOverviewHeader() { } /** * Print Html "table" tag for the package index format. * * @param text Text string will not be used in this method. */ protected void printIndexHeader(String text) { printTableHeader(); } /** * Print Html closing "table" tag at the end of the package index. */ protected void printIndexFooter() { printTableFooter(); } /** * Print "All Classes" link at the top of the left-hand frame page. */ protected void printAllClassesPackagesLink() { fontStyle("FrameItemFont"); printTargetHyperLink("allclasses-frame.html", "packageFrame", getText("doclet.All_Classes")); fontEnd(); p(); fontSizeStyle("+1", "FrameHeadingFont"); printText("doclet.Packages"); fontEnd(); br(); } /** * Just print some space, since there is no navigation bar for this page. */ protected void printNavigationBarFooter() { p(); space(); } /** * Print Html closing tags for the table for package index. */ protected void printTableFooter() { tdEnd(); trEnd(); tableEnd(); } /** * Print Html tags for the table for package index. */ protected void printTableHeader() { table(); tr(); tdNowrap(); } }