Some presentations I gave
(Fabrice Neyret)
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Publications page
NB: I collected here only some misc presentations I did not falling in
others categories.
Other places:
For presentations associated
to research papers, watch here.
For science popularization
+ skeptical stuff,
watch here.
About 'how to get papers
accepted', 'ethic of publication', 'unsolved pb in CG',
cf same
The following presentations have often been done in
informal internal contexts, some rephrasing my understanding of
something, and some are pretty old...
I do not pretend
everything is up-to-date, matching my today's mind, or guaranteed
correct. ;-)
(soon) Managing ultra-high complexity in real-time:
some hints and ingredients (Keynote HPG,
July, 9th 2019)
Microphysics of light
emission (colors of the Universe - part 1) (March 28th, 2019)
H|| Nebulaes colors & shape (colors of the Universe - part 2) (April 18th, 2019)
in GLSL is not programming in C (January, 15th, 2018)
Filtering the
pixel footprint: what should be "the right filter" ? (Weta, December,
6th, 2016) (INRIA, January, 17th, 2017)
interpolating, synthesizing textures (Weta, July, 16th,
2016) (INRIA, 2016)
Antialiasing heightfields with Physically Based Shading: mash-up LEAD-R + masking-shadowing +
correlated color + ... (Weta, March 2016) (INRIA 2016)
pitfalls in production (May, 12th, 2015)
1: Fouriereries -
General presentation about puzzling Fourier things (December,
18th 2014)
2: Variance
Spectrum - Our research about renormalizing Fourier synthesis (Gabor noise, etc) (December, 18th 2014)
Reproducing the
Natural Complexity (my life, my work :-) ) (Weta talk, December 18th,
Galaxy/veRTIGE project -
presentation: Meudon
observatory version,
INRIA version. (October 2013)
(fr) Review &
Publications: Let discover the other side of the deadline (March 30th, 2011)
textures, spryticles, voxels, etc, dans les effets speciaux (
December, 9th, 2009)
(fr) Creer, Simuler, Explorer des Univers Naturels sur Ordinateur
(invited paper, AFIG 2006)