

  glCallList - execute a display list

C Specification

  void glCallList( GLuint list )


  list	Specifies the integer name of the display list to be executed.


  glCallList causes the	named display list to be executed.  The	commands
  saved	in the display list are	executed in order, just	as if they were
  called without using a display list.	If list	has not	been defined as	a
  display list,	glCallList is ignored.

  glCallList can appear	inside a display list.	To avoid the possibility of
  infinite recursion resulting from display lists calling one another, a
  limit	is placed on the nesting level of display lists	during display-list
  execution.  This limit is at least 64, and it	depends	on the

  GL state is not saved	and restored across a call to glCallList.  Thus,
  changes made to GL state during the execution	of a display list remain
  after	execution of the display list is completed.  Use glPushAttrib,
  glPopAttrib, glPushMatrix, and glPopMatrix to	preserve GL state across
  glCallList calls.


  Display lists	can be executed	between	a call to glBegin and the
  corresponding	call to	glEnd, as long as the display list includes only
  commands that	are allowed in this interval.

Associated Gets

  glGet	with argument GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING

See Also

  glCallLists, glDeleteLists, glGenLists, glNewList, glPushAttrib,

Introduction | Alphabetic | Specification

Last Edited: Mon, May 22, 1995