Installing OpenMask

To install OpenMask, choose your operating system.

Install on Debian


Although it is possible to install and use OpenMASK with gcc-2.95, we will here assume that you have gcc-3.2 installed. We will also assume that your machine runs with Linux.


Download the OpenGL Shader and OpenGL Performer 3.0 (Demo) files from

You should fetch the following files and save them in a temporary directory:


Change to root.

convert these files to .deb using alien:
        alien SGIshader_eoe-3.0.i386.rpm
        alien SGIshader_dev-3.0.i386.rpm
        alien performer_eoe-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer_dev-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer_demos-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer_demo_license-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer_docs-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer_docs-print-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer2.4_compat-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        alien performer2.5_compat-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz

You can then install them with dpkg:

        dpkg -i *performer*.deb *shader*.deb

You can make sure that everything went well for Performer by running perfly on an .iv file:

		 perfly /usr/share/Performer/data/tux.iv

Open Inventor

To avoid problems with Open Inventor, it can be necessary to compile it yourself:
        apt-get source inventor --compile
        dpkg -i *inventor*.deb

You can make sure that everything went well for Open Inventor by running ivview on an .iv file:

		 	 ivview /usr/share/Performer/data/tux.iv
Other Necessary Software
Install PVM and PCCTS :
		 apt-get install pvm pccts doxygen

Optionally,if you plan on compiling the QT contributions and examples, install qt-dev:

			 apt-get install qt-dev

Compiling OpenMASK

Downloading It
Change back to an ordinary user id, and get the OpenMASK 3.1 for gcc-3.2 release tarball from

Save it in a directory you have write access to, say /scratch.

Uncompress it:
        cd /scratch
        tar -xvzf OpenMASK3.1-linux-gcc3.2-performer2.5.2.tar.gz

Environment Variables

Before compiling, set the following environment variables (assuming tcsh):
        # the directory to which OpenMASK got uncompressed
        setenv OpenMASKDIR /scratch/linux-gcc3.2
        setenv PCCTSDIR /usr/include/pccts
        setenv PCCTSBINDIR /usr/bin
        setenv COMPILER g++

And only if you plan on compiling the QT contributions and examples:

        setenv QTDIR /usr/share/qt

Launching Compilation
Just change to the directory where OpenMASK uncompressed, and launch the compile script:
        cd /scratch/linux-gcc3.2
        source compile

Possible Problems
You might encounter problems compiling the QT contributions. If they refuse to compile, make sure that in their directory there exists directories named .moc and .ui. If they don't exist, create them and run make.

Also, the extractDoc script in /scratch/linux-gcc3.2 (or whatever is the OpenMASK location) might contain a hardcoded path. Correct that path (possibly using the $OpenMASKDIR environment variable), and run ./extractDoc to create the Doxygen documentation.

Install on Mandrake 9.1


Although it is possible to install and use OpenMASK with gcc-2.95, we will here assume that you have gcc-3.2 installed. We will also assume that your machine runs with Linux.


Download the OpenGL Shader and OpenGL Performer 3.0 (Demo) files from

You should fetch the following files and save them in a temporary directory:


Change to root.

        rpm -ivh SGIshader_eoe-3.0.i386.rpm
        rpm -ivh SGIshader_dev-3.0.i386.rpm
        tar -xvzf performer_eoe-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer_dev-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer_demos-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer_demo_license-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer_docs-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer_docs-print-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer2.4_compat-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz
        tar -xvzf performer2.5_compat-3.0.0_gcc3-0.tgz

You can make sure that everything went well for Performer by running perfly on a .iv file:

		 perfly /usr/share/Performer/data/tux.iv

Open Inventor

To avoid problems with Open Inventor, it can be necessary to compile it yourself.
       Download the Inventor files from
         	 tar -xvzf inventor-2.1.5-9.src.tar.gz

You have to compile Inventor.

To avoid problems :
     Read the README.FIRST file and apply each step.
     You may modify the GNUMakefile : change the variable YACC=.../yacc to YACC=.../bison -y.
                                                            delete the option -fPIC.

You can make sure that everything went well for Open Inventor by running ivview on an .iv file:

		 ivview /usr/share/Performer/data/tux.iv


Other Necessary Software

Install PVM and PCCTS:
        urpmi pvm
        urpmi pvm-devel
        urpmi pccts
        urpmi pccts-devel

Compiling OpenMASK

Downloading It

Change back to an ordinary user id, and get the OpenMASK 3.1 for gcc-3.2 release tarball from

Save it in a directory you have write access to, say /scratch.

              Uncompress it:
        cd /scratch
        tar -xvzf OpenMASK3.1-linux-gcc3.2-performer2.5.2.tar.gz
Environment Variables
Before compiling, set the following environment variables :
        # the directory to which OpenMASK got uncompressed
        setenv OpenMASKDIR /scratch/linux-gcc3.2
        setenv PCCTSDIR /usr/include/pccts
        setenv PCCTSBINDIR /usr/bin
        setenv COMPILER g++

And only if you plan on compiling the QT contributions and examples:

        setenv QTDIR /usr/share/qt
Launching Compilation
Just change to the directory where OpenMASK uncompressed, and launch the compile script:
        cd /scratch/linux-gcc3.2
        source compile
Possible Problems

With PCCTS (if you take a rpm package),caution with /h.
With PVM, define PVM_ROOT (setenv PVM_ROOT = /usr/share/pvm3) and define PVM_ARCH (setenv PVM_ARCH = LINUX).
Use g++ instead of gcc (COMPILER = g++).
With Xm.h, install lesstif-devel if necessary (or openmotif-devel).
If you have any other problems try this new script of compile : compile and apply source compile on your console.

You might encounter problems compiling the QT contributions. If they refuse to compile, make sure that in their directory there exists directories named .moc and .ui. If they don't exist, create them and run make.

Also, the extractDoc script in /scratch/linux-gcc3.2 (or whatever is the OpenMASK location) might contain a hardcoded path. Correct that path (possibly using the $OpenMASKDIR environment variable), and run ./extractDoc to create the Doxygen documentation.


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