Qizhi Yu

INRIA Rhône-Alpes
655 Avenue de L'Europe
38334 Saint Ismier cedex
Tel: +33 4 76 61 55 73
Fax: +33 4 76 61 54 66

qizhi.yu AT gmail DOT com
(Who am I ? )


I am currently seeking a full time position related to research in Computer Graphics (fluid simulation, texture synthesis, and GPU algorithms etc) and its applications in GIS and Civil Engineering.

On November 17, 2008, I defended my PhD dissertation, "Models of Animated Rivers for the Interactive Exploration of Landscapes, " at INRIA Grenoble . Please see the thesis page for more details.

In October 2005, I joined EVASION and began my PhD (funded by the Marie Curie Actions) in Computer Graphics at INP Grenoble, under the supervision of Drs Fabrice Neyret and Eric Bruneton. My PhD research primarily concerns scalable fluid animation in real-time graphics.

Previous to that, I received my B.S. and M.S. degrees both in Civil Engineering from Chongqing University and Zhejiang University, respectively.


IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2010

Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2009), Volume 28, Number 2, April 2009 , pp. 239-248(10)

Qizhi Yu, Nathalie Praizelin, Frank Rochet, and Farbrice Neyret
Research Report, INRIA, Feb. 2009, RR-6855.

Qizhi Yu
These de doctorat, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble. novembre 2008.

Qizhi Yu, Chongcheng Chen, and Zhigeng Pan
Advances in Natural Computation, volume 3612/2005 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1051-1059, Springer.

Qizhi Yu, Chongcheng Chen, Zhigeng Pan and Jianwei Li
In ICIG'04: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Image and Graphics, pages 410-413, IEEE Computer Society.